You can use aroma oils to spread fragrance and reap the benefit of aromatherapy. These oils are derived from plants and are natural. You can use them at home for relaxation, add a few drops on your bed linen, or dribble a few drops in your tub while bathing. You can also put a few drops on your curtains. The pleasant aroma calms and relaxes your body and mind. Some oils offer therapeutic benefits and are used in aromatherapy. Some have antiseptic properties, while some deal with allergies, dizziness, sleeplessness. The aroma of these oils creates an ambience and uplifts your mood. You can use aroma oils in diffusers that help the fragrance spread throughout your room. You can get diffusers in attractive designs. Some diffusers work by lighting a tea-light candle, while some are electrical. You will find oils in different scents. You can choose floral and sweet fragrances, citrus scents, woody scents, or calming fragrances. You can get these oils in single packs or packs of multiple oils, or an assortment of different oils. These boxes make great gifts. You can check various oils from different brands like Soulflower, Airroma, homedecor anurudh, JGD Home, GIFDECO, Nuerma Science, and buy aroma oils for home online. This information is updated on 17-Feb-25.
Masarrat Kazi
Certified Buyer
Apr, 2019
Good choice
Navin Makwana
Certified Buyer
5 months ago
Waste of money!
Flipkart Customer
Certified Buyer
Aug, 2021
Waste of money!
Flipkart Customer
Certified Buyer
Aug, 2021
Kamal Rajak
Certified Buyer
Dec, 2022
Expected a better product
Vibu T B
Certified Buyer
6 months ago
Really Nice
Flipkart Customer
Certified Buyer
Feb, 2020
Flipkart Customer
Certified Buyer
2 months ago
Just wow!
Mahesh Chaudhari
Certified Buyer
Mar, 2021
Waste of money!
Flipkart Customer
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8 days ago