Economics, Business and Management BooksBuy Business Books and Management Books Online
The path to a successful career in the corporate world or to start your own venture is never easy without some knowledge, wisdom, and understanding of various organizational concepts. And, one of the best sources of all these valuable pieces of information is business books and management books. In fact, books are always the best resource to acquire new skills, understanding various path-breaking concepts, and learning from the experiences of others. Also, you can always find a book for almost all the subjects under the sun. If you are interested in learning about business and/or management, a student of business and/or management, or a professional wanting to upgrade his/her skills, then you can buy various books related to business and management on online shopping websites. Online stores are the best places to find a wide range of literature as well as academic books under one roof. Whether you are looking for a recently published book or a book by a foreign author, online book stores have almost everything that you might need. On these stores, you can also check user reviews and ratings before choosing a book to buy.
If you are looking for business books and/or management books, then there are multiple publishers, such as Arihant and Pearson, that sell books that cover different aspects of these two subjects. If you are looking for specific book titles, then you can use the search option on e-stores to find what you are looking for. Below are a few best-selling books on business and management that you can find and buy online:
Fundamentals of Digital Marketing by Puneet Sing Bhatia
This is a textbook that helps you understand various basic concepts related to digital marketing which are crucial determinants for the success of any business. From visibility to engagement, this book covers information about different parts of digital marketing that are helpful for students, professionals, marketing managers, entrepreneurs, and even those people who want to create their own online brand identity. Apart from explaining the concepts, this book also covers tools and techniques that are useful and helpful.
The 5 AM Club by Robin Sharma
This book through a fictional story tells the reader about the benefits of waking up early and how it can lead to impressive and unexpected results. Waking up early has active health benefits, makes you productive, and also, offers the much-needed serenity to succeed in life. Written over a period of five years by one of the most popular bestselling authors of contemporary literature, Robin Sharma has collected and offered you various enlightening gems in this book that will not only help you inculcate a good habit but also show you the way to reap the benefits of this habit.
Business Analytics by James Evans
This business management book offers an insight into business analytics and data analytics of contemporary businesses and organizations. If you want to learn about the basic principles of business analytics and analytic models, and how to use them to benefit a business or organization, then this is a book that you can buy.
Apart from these, there are also textbooks, study materials for various exams, and other business books that you can buy online.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about Business and Management Books:
Here are a few common questions people ask about business books and management books.
Q.1 What is the best leadership and management book?
Ans: There can never be one specific book that works for every business leader or manager in the world. However, there can be a list of books that are widely known to help leaders manage their business better. Here are a few popular business management books:
a. First, Break All the Rules by Arthur Buckingham and Curt Coffman
b. The Art of War by Sun Tzu
c. The Essential Drucker by Peter F. Drucker
d. Crazy Bosses by Stanley Bing
e. Start with Why by Simon Sinek
Q.2 What is the best business book of all time?
Ans: As stated above, instead of just one book, there always is a list of books that have helped several leaders. Some popular books for business are:
a. The Innovator’s Dilemma by Clayton Christensen
b. Good to Great by Jim Collins
c. Crossing the Chasm by Geoffrey A. Moore
d. Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand
e. How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie
Q.3 What are the different types of management styles?
Ans: There are three popular styles of business management namely, Laissez-fair, Autocratic and Democratic. Autocratic management is strict, disciplined and functions under the will and vision of the owner. The democratic style involves employees, especially where employee policies are concerned so that policies are developed according to the needs of the employees. Laissez-fair is the current start-up culture, where each employee is given the freedom to balance work and home in their time with targets being paramount.
कंप्यूटर साइंस, इकोनॉमिक्स, लॉ और अन्य विषय की बिज़नेस बुक्स और मैनेजमेंट बुक्स हमारे स्टोर से खरीदे।
भीड़ और शहर के शोर को भूल जाइये, अब अपने घर से खरीदारी कीजिये। सबसे कम कीमतों पर फ्लिपकार्ट पर बिज़नेस बुक्स और मैनेजमेंट बुक्स की खरीदारी कीजिये। बिज़नेस बुक्स और मैनेजमेंट बुक्स पर त्यौहार के मौके पे बड़ी छूट पाइये, जल्द आ रहा है।
फ्लिप्कार्ट में देश के सबसे बड़े और लोकप्रिय नामो से शॉपिंग करें, अपने घर से। ऑनलाइन शॉपिंग का मज़ा आप किसी भी समय उठा सकते है। तोह किसका इंतेज़्ज़र है ? जल्द से जल्द अपनी विशलिस्ट बनाना शुरू करें!