While a pair of bright LED lights that make driving safe are all that some vehicle owners prefer to have on their car, there are others for whom this is just not enough. Good lighting is like another accessory for your car. Those stylish side beadings, rear garnishings and other extra fittings add to the style of your car, how much of it is going to be eye-catching when you are riding at night? Fancy lights are what make your car stand out and create a good impression when you are driving to your favorite nightclub after work. Scrubbing your car every weekend and driving carefully to ensure that it is free of dents and scratches will make it look presentable when your boss and colleagues spot you next to it at work? But fancy lights, like other car accessories are the next step to making your car look interesting. The following are some of the fancy lights you may want to consider having on your car. Daytime Running Lights- Designed to be placed somewhere below your car's headlights, these are not only very stylish but also serve an important function, and that is keeping other drivers from banging into your car. Now, you may wonder why this is important during the day, when there is such a bright light from the sun above, but that is the main problem. The bright rays of the sun may prevent them from seeing clearly. This is where daytime running lights prove to be very helpful. Angel Eyes- Also known as halo headlights, these were first designed to serve the same purpose as daytime running lights and mainly used in BMW cars. Today, they are also used to enhance the look of your car and can be installed in any vehicle. These lights produce a strong beam to make driving easy apart from making your car look very stylish. Roof Lights- These are especially useful on larger vehicles like trucks and lorries. This is mainly to alert drivers of smaller vehicles on the road. Apart from that, they also make your large vehicle look very bright. Tire Lights- And finally, the one I like the most. These lights are designed to glow whenever your car's tires are moving, lighting up the entire ground below your car. These lights come in different colors that you can choose from.