Arthashastra (Economics): According To Minimum Uniform Syllabus Prescribed By National Education Policy: 1.Definitions, Nature and Scope of Economics, 2 .Relation of Economics with other Social Sciences, 3 .Methods of Economic Analysis—Inductive & Deductive, 4. Basic Concepts of Micro Economics, 5. Utility, Marginal Utility and Total Utility, Law of Diminishing Marginal Utility and Law of Equi-Marginal Utility, 6. Consumer’s Surplus, 7. Indifference Curve : Characteristics and Consumer’s Equilibrium Ordinal Utility Analysis, 8. Revealed Preference Theory, 9. Law of Demand and its Exceptions, Giffin Goods, 10.Elasticity of Demand : Price, Income and Cross Elasticity, 11. Law of Supply, 12 .Elasticity of Supply, 13. Production Function, 14. Production : Law of Production and Law of Variable Proportions, 15. Returns to Scale and Economies of Scale, 16. ISO-Production Curve : Meaning, Characteristics and Producer’s Equilibrium, 17. Concepts of Cost and Revenue : Total marginal and Average, 18. Market : Meaning and Types, 19. Perfect Competition—Meaning, Characteristics and Price Determination, 20. Price Determination Under Monopoly, 21. Price Determination Under Monopolistic Competition, 22. Theories of Distribution, 23 .Rent, 24. Wages, 25. Interest, 26. Profit, 27. Welfare Economics : A General Introduction, UNIT - II Indian Economy 1.Indian Economy : Nature, Structure and Features, 2 .Trends and Sectoral Composition of National Income, 3 .Natural Resources Endowments : Land, Water, Forest and Mineral, 4. India’s Demographic Features (Problems and Causes of Over-Population and Population Policy), 5. Indian Agriculture : Nature, Importance, Land-Use Pattern, Production and Productivity, 6.Green Revolution, 7. Agricultural (Rural) Credit and Insurance, 8. Agricultural Marketing, 9. New Technology in Agriculture, 10. Role of Public & Private Sector in Industries Develop-ment After Independence, 11. New Industrial Policy, 1991, 12. Small and Cottage Industries : Problems and Possibi-lities, 13. Start-up India, Make-in-India and Aatma Nirbhar Bharat, 14. Infrastructure for Indian Economy : Power, Transporta-tion and Communication, 15. India’s Foreign Trade—Importance, Composition and Direction, 16. Role of Foreign Direct Investment and Multinational Corporations, 17. Disinvestment in India, 18. Indian Planning : Objectives, Strategy, Achievement, Failure and NITI Ayog, 19. Indian Economic Problems : Poverty and Unemployment, 20. Indian Economic Problems : Regional Inequality