With a body of work firmly at the heart of architectural theory and discourse, RobertMaxwell is undoubtedly one of the most respected architectural writers and educatorsof recent times. Emeritus Professor of Architecture at Princeton University, RobertMaxwell is a scholar known worldwide for critical writing that looks at modern andcontemporary architecture in relation to our wider culture, including art, literature andmusic.A Few Years of Writing: Interspersed with Some Facts of Life brings togethera collection of over 30 of Maxwell's writings from the late twentieth century to thepresent, through which are woven events and occasions from his own diary thatexpand on debates in the world of architecture throughout the period.Texts include "Richard Rogers: an Evaluation", first published in Casabella inFebruary 1994; "Sounds and Sweet Airs at Stuttgart", a review of the Music School atStuttgart, in the RIBA Journal in October 1996; an obituary of Philip Johnson in TheArchitectural Review, in March 2005; and "Eisenman: The Formal Basis of ModernArchitecture", in Building Design in September 2006. This engaging collection, atonce intimate and autobiographical, insightful and perceptive, as well as criticaland theoretical, results in a rich description of the culture of architecture across twodecades towards the close of the last century and during the early years of thepresent.A Few Years of Writing: Interspersed with Some Facts of Life is the first of twobooks of Robert Maxwell's writing to be published by Artifice, with the second comingout in Spring 2013.