OLatus IR LED 5mm & FILTERED IR PhotoDiode - Emitter & Receiver Light Electronic Hobby Kit
Price: Not Available
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Power Source: DC
RoHS Compliant
Material: Fiber Glass
Weight: 110
This pair of High power directional IR LED and Filtered photodiode can be used in various kinds of sensing circuits. The narrow beam width IR LED emits focused IR light and the filtered photodiode filters out ambient light without the need of any external circuit. When used with proper circuit it can give upto 200 mm of reflective sensing and can also be used in high speed applications like encoders. -----Brief Description----: An IR LED is a specially designed LED which transmits infrared rays. The IR LED is same aspect as the normal LED. IR LED stands for “Infrared Light Emitting Diode”, they allows to emit light with the wavelength of up to 940nm, which is the infrared range of electromagnetic radiation spectrum. The wavelength range varies from 760nm to 1mm. These are mostly use in the remote control of TV’s, cameras and different types of electronic instruments. The semiconductor material used to make these LEDs are gallium arsenide or aluminum arsenide. Mostly used in IR sensor as it is the combination of IR receiver and IR transmitter (IR LED).
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In The Box
1 x IR LED 5mm Emitter & Receiver, 1 x 5v Buzzer, 2 x Resistance
Model Number
IR LED 5mm & FILTERED IR PhotoDiode - Emitter & Receiver
ROHS Complaint
Fiber Glass
8 cm
2.5 cm
Power Features
Battery Type
No Of Batteries
Battery Size
Power Source
Other Power Features
Applications:-- .Infrared applied systems .Transmission system .Optoelectronic switch .Infrared remote control equipment’s .Smoke detector .IOT (internet of things) application .Industrial equipment’s. Where to use?:- IR LED is used in various daily used electronic appliances. As in the remote of the television, infrared cameras, transmission systems. We can make various projects, sensor using the IR LED like obstacle detector, visitor-counter and line-followers. An Infrared LED looks same as normal LED, but human eye is not capable of seeing the IR light as it’s beyond our visible electromagnetic spectrum. We are only able to see a light having a wavelength ranges 380 to 750nm. You can see an IR light through your phone camera, night-vision and etc.