Tefal Simply Chef कुकवेयर सेट (एल्युमिनियम, 3 - पीस)
If you are looking for a pocket-friendly cookware set, then this Tefal cookware set is ideal for you. It boasts 2-way inside and outside coating, which makes it easy to maintain and use. On top of that, its components come with food-grade safe bodies so that the good quality of your food is preserved. Furthermore, this cookware set is compatible with different types of hobs such as gas, electric, ceramic, and halogen.
Model Name |
मॉडल नंबर |
डिशवॉशर सेफ |
ढक्कन शामिल है |
कपैसिटी |
अदर कन्वीनिएंस फीचर्स |
अदर फीचर्स |
नेट क्वांटिटी |
डायामीटर |
वेट |
अच्छा प्रोडक्ट
Anilkumar MN
Certified Buyer, Chennai
जुलाई, 2018
पैसे के लायक है
Pradeep Lama
Certified Buyer, Kolkata
जुलाई, 2020
अच्छी क्वालिटी प्रोडक्ट
Flipkart Customerhaved
Certified Buyer, Vadodara District
जुलाई, 2018
जरूर खरीदें !
pankaj manjhi
Certified Buyer, Bengaluru
फ़रवरी, 2020
बहुत बढ़िया है
A Raazi
Certified Buyer, Moradabad
सितंबर, 2019