विबेक्स स्प्रिंग ओनिअन बीज

विबेक्स स्प्रिंग ओनिअन बीज (25 per packet)


विबेक्स स्प्रिंग ओनिअन बीज  (25 per packet)

इस प्रोडक्ट पर राय देने वाले पहले व्यक्ति बने
ख़ास कीमत
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  • Warranty
    Vibex I year replacment Warrant Against Manufecturing Defects
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    • स्प्रिंग ओनिअन के लिए बीज
    • Vibex I year replacment Warrant Against Manufecturing Defects
    • कैश ऑन डिलीवरी उपलब्ध
    एक एलियम सब्जी, प्याज, लहसुन, शैलॉट और स्कैलियन की तरह, लीक मीठे, अधिक नाजुक और प्याज की तुलना में स्वाद में कम तीखे होते हैं, लीक्स की एक डिश में बहुत ही सूक्ष्म उपस्थिति होती है जिसमें उन्हें जोड़ा जाता है। लीक्स एंटीऑक्सिडेंट एजेंट्स जैसे फ्लेवोनोइड्स से भरे होते हैं जो बल्ब में सबसे अधिक केंद्रित होते हैं और इसके साथ जुड़े रहते हैं। लीक्स में पाया जाने वाला एक और बहुत ही महत्वपूर्ण पोषक तत्व फोलेट है, जो एक स्वस्थ कार्डियोवैस्कुलर सिस्टम के लिए मददगार है। इनमें विटामिन A, C, E, K, पोटेशियम, आयरन, मैग्नीशियम, जिंक और सेलेनियम जैसे पोषक तत्व और मिनरल्स भी शामिल हैं। लीक एक वर्सटाइल सब्जी है और इसे कई तरह से खाया जा सकता है। चाहे वह सलाद में कच्चा हो, स्ट्यूज़ और सूप में, पिज्जा, पास्ता और फ्राइड राइस में हो या बस अपने पसंदीदा डिश में जोड़ने के लिए ब्लेंच्ड हो। लीक्स को आप कब और कैसे पसंद करते हैं।
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    In The Box
    • 1 Packet
    • VibeX
    Model Name
    • ™ Leek/Green Onion Seeds - Pack of 25 Seeds
    • 25 per packet
    Common Name
    • Spring Onion
    Suitable For
    • Indoor, Outdoor
    Type of Seed
    • Vegetable
    • Yes
    • Spring Onion
    • Superior Quality, Non-Hybrid, Pure, Open Pollinated, GMO-Free, And Heirloom (with An Unadulterated Genetic Heritage) Seeds, Tested For Germination, Sowing Time : August To October, Sowing Distance : Line To Line - 1.0' Plant To Plant – 4". Days To Maturity: 70-80 Days After Transplanting, Leek is a versatile vegetable and can be consumed in a variety of ways, Be it raw in salads, in stews and soups, in pizzas, pasta, and fried rice or simply blanched to be added to your favorite dish. Leeks can be had as and when and how you like, How To Sow : Soil should be mixed with well rotten Cow dung. Raise nursery and transplant 40-45 days old plants in beds at the distance of 1.0 feet between line to line and 4 inches plant to plant. Irrigate immediately and then as per requirement, Harvest starts after 70-80 days from transplanting
    Soil Nutrient Requirements
    • Sandy loam soil, pH 7.0-8.5, Nitrogen, Phosphorous, Potassium, Zinc, Iron, Mangnese
    Sowing Method
    • Superior Quality, Non-Hybrid, Pure, Open Pollinated, GMO-Free, And Heirloom (with An Unadulterated Genetic Heritage) Seeds::Tested For Germination::Sowing Time : August To October ::Sowing Distance : Line To Line - 1.0' Plant To Plant – 4". Days To Maturity: 70-80 Days After Transplanting::Leek is a versatile vegetable and can be consumed in a variety of ways::Be it raw in salads, in stews and soups, in pizzas, pasta, and fried rice or simply blanched to be added to your favorite dish. Leeks can be had as and when and how you like::How To Sow : Soil should be mixed with well rotten Cow dung. Raise nursery and transplant 40-45 days old plants in beds at the distance of 1.0 feet between line to line and 4 inches plant to plant. Irrigate immediately and then as per requirement::Harvest starts after 70-80 days from transplanting
    Additional Features
    Care Instructions
    • Superior Quality, Non-Hybrid, Pure, Open Pollinated, GMO-Free, And Heirloom (with An Unadulterated Genetic Heritage) Seeds, Tested For Germination, Sowing Time : August To October, Sowing Distance : Line To Line - 1.0' Plant To Plant – 4". Days To Maturity: 70-80 Days After Transplanting, Leek is a versatile vegetable and can be consumed in a variety of ways, Be it raw in salads, in stews and soups, in pizzas, pasta, and fried rice or simply blanched to be added to your favorite dish. Leeks can be had as and when and how you like, How To Sow : Soil should be mixed with well rotten Cow dung. Raise nursery and transplant 40-45 days old plants in beds at the distance of 1.0 feet between line to line and 4 inches plant to plant. Irrigate immediately and then as per requirement, Harvest starts after 70-80 days from transplanting
    Other Features
    • Superior Quality, Non-Hybrid, Pure, Open Pollinated, GMO-Free, And Heirloom (with An Unadulterated Genetic Heritage) Seeds, Tested For Germination, Sowing Time : August To October, Sowing Distance : Line To Line - 1.0' Plant To Plant – 4". Days To Maturity: 70-80 Days After Transplanting, Leek is a versatile vegetable and can be consumed in a variety of ways, Be it raw in salads, in stews and soups, in pizzas, pasta, and fried rice or simply blanched to be added to your favorite dish. Leeks can be had as and when and how you like, How To Sow : Soil should be mixed with well rotten Cow dung. Raise nursery and transplant 40-45 days old plants in beds at the distance of 1.0 feet between line to line and 4 inches plant to plant. Irrigate immediately and then as per requirement, Harvest starts after 70-80 days from transplanting
    Warranty Summary
    • Vibex I year replacment Warrant Against Manufecturing Defects
    Service Type
    • NA
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