Vaishali, being vegetarian by birth, wants to help those who want to turn vegetarian for logical and pragmatic reasons. She thinks that by following a plant-based diet, we contribute a lot to mother –nature. Since we are a cost to nature the moment we are born, it is our inherent duty to give back to nature through various steps like tree planting, seed donation for farming, and consuming organic food. Since our lives are ruled by multiple plastic products, Vaishali suggests a plastic-free kitchen to improve our health and plastic-free homes to improve the environment and save the earth. Her YouTube channel – Hindu scriptures is a step to get face-to-face with her audience, eradicate myths prevailing in society, and educate the viewers on how eco-friendly the Hindu lifestyle is. She loves to narrate stories from the scriptures and conducts workshops on how to live the Indian lifestyle no matter where you live.