Hush! Listen to the author’s silent, almost inaudible, cries for help as the ground beneath her starts her on a slippery descent. She grasps at anything that will give her support, but slowly starts losing her foothold. Pangs of the fear of death grip her as she sinks further, bringing shivers down her spine. She realises as she starts to fall that life has lost its meaning and purpose as the swamp of misery and intense pain clog her whole being and she gets entrenched in a bog of depression.
Lying there, without hope, she cries out in desperation, and that’s when her pleas are heard. She slowly feels, weakly at first, a knotted rope sent down to the bottomless abyss into which she has sunk. Then sensing the strength at the other end, she holds tight and feels herself being pulled out from darkness into the light! Sounds familiar, doesn’t it? Open and read chapter after chapter and find hope in your hopelessness through words that are so beautifully penned within!
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Susan was only fourteen when she started her quest to ascertain her faith. She was born and raised in the city of Madras (now Chennai) by orthodox parents who didn’t read scriptures, but she studied in a school that taught her scriptures from the Bible. This created a conflict with her belief system. After her schooling, she graduated from Stella Maris with a bachelor’s degree, and a master’s from Madras Christian College, and later pursued her Master of Philosophy degree from the Institute of Basic Medical Sciences in Taramani. It was her life within the campus of the Christian colleges that she studied in that led her to people who encouraged her while she took slow, small, cautious steps until she was able to walk boldly into the light.