Kriya Yoga is a scientific technique based process that involves in simultaneous development of body, mind, intellect and soul. This ancient technique had faced near extinction and was revived for the self realization of modern day seekers by Lahiri Mahasaya as per the instructions and blessings by his immortal Guru Babaji in the year 1861. The author of the book Premavatar Swarupananda Bramhachari is of the same lineage and is a self Realized Guru (Master) who initiates sincere seekers in Kriya Yoga. This book provides a crisp and to the point description of the technique and it's stage-wise perceptions and benefits. The motive of this work is to inspire people and seekers who aim to evolve into better human beings, liberate themselves from misery and reach the ultimate goal of Self-Realization (God Realization) Disclaimer : Kriya Yoga can only be learnt after initiation by a self Realized or ordained Guru (master) and the disciples are to be in close contact with their Guru. Kriya yoga can't be learned by watching videos online or reading books. Noted : Kriya Yoga can only be learnt after initiation by a self Realized or ordained Guru (master) and the disciples are to be in close contact with their Guru. Kriya yoga can't be learned by watching videos online or reading books.