The book "The Lost Golden City" follows the journey of Vijay, an IAS officer, and his companions Sushil and Vikram as they embark on a mission to assess the damage caused by heavy snowfall in a remote and historically rich area known as "The Abode of Gold." The narrative begins with Vijay waking up late for the journey, setting the tone for an adventure that is both urgent and significant.
Throughout their expedition, the trio encounters various challenges, including navigating treacherous terrain, dealing with the presence of dangerous spirits, and experiencing the profound isolation from modern life. They are guided by local wisdom, as well as military support, particularly from Colonel Bhardwaj and Brigadier Dhillon, who provide them with crucial information and resources.
As they delve deeper into the wilderness, the group's connection to the natural world grows, and they find joy in the simplicity of life on the trail. They are reminded of the fundamental pleasures of human existence, such as walking unburdened by constant connectivity and engaging in direct conversations.
The journey is not only a physical one but also a spiritual and historical exploration. Vijay, with his background in ancient history, feels a deep connection to the landscape and the stories shared by local figures like Gara. The group encounters mystical villages, engages with local customs, and learns about the legacy of the past, including the ancient temple of Bhoo and the once-thriving golden city of Himravart.
Throughout the book, the themes of adventure, cultural respect, camaraderie, and the intersection of the physical and spiritual worlds are prominent. The group's experiences range from the mundane chores of village life to surreal encounters with shadowy figures and celestial beings. They navigate the politics of the city, the strategies of survival, and the revelations of ancient civilizations.
"The Lost Golden City" is a tale of discovery, where the protagonists not only map the physical damages of a harsh winter but also uncover the rich tapestry of history, culture, and spirituality woven into the fabric of the Himalayan landscape. Their journey is transformative, leaving them with a deeper understanding of the world and their place within it.