This book is a derivative of the author’s differentiated knowledge that she has acquired through her studies and experiences to form an integrated whole. It comprises short stories of the experiential literary, the craft of cooking, and the scientific rationale that goes in to binding and combining raw ingredients to produce a whole and edible dish. This compilation will stimulate the soul, entice the gastronomic and physical self, and provide a bolus to the thinking mind to decipher and understand what goes on behind the scenes. The book will instill a creative spirit in the common person who dabbles in the kitchen.
The twenty-four chapters in the book cover from the ordinary, daily home food and street food required for everyday sustenance to exquisite items like wine, ham, liqueur, soufflé, mousse, and aspic salad. It also includes bakes, like bread, pizza, and pudding, and trending foods, like millets, quinoa, and couscous. The writings will resonate well with both the novice as well as the expert.