NTA UGC NET Paper 1 has been meticulously curated and developed as per the latest UGC NET 2024 recent exam pattern & question trend. It provides complete coverage of the syllabus, supported by 100+ video lectures, 3000+ practice questions, downloadable supplementary reading material, and solved PYQs (from 2014 to 2024). Designed to meet the needs of NET, SET, JRF, and PhD applicants, this book offers easy-to-understand explanations of complex topics, enriched with real-life examples, mnemonics, mind maps, shortcut tips & tricks. 10 Reasons why this Book is your Perfect Exam Companion: 1. Up-to-date Exam Coverage: Comprehensive syllabus coverage as per the latest UGC NET 2024 Notification. This book is meticulously crafted after an in-depth analysis of the syllabus, exam pattern, and the latest question trends. 2.100+ Interactive Video Lectures: To help grasp difficult topics, this book features scannable QR codes with all important topics. Simply scan the QR code next to the topic to access engaging animated videos that explain the topic in a super simple way. It's like having a personal tutor right at your fingertips! 3. Solved Unit-Wise Past Year Papers: This book offers 3,000+ practice questions, including solved unit-wise PYQs (from 2014 to 2024) with detailed solutions & explanations. 4. Instant Practice Questions: In addition to unit-wise questions, this book includes numerous practice questions within the chapters, allowing you to test your understanding immediately after studying a topic. 5. Online Mock Tests: You also get exclusive access to numerous online mock tests on the McGraw Edge Platform with this book. These tests offer a realistic exam experience and extensive practice to help you become familiar with the actual exam format. 6. Timetable & Study Strategies: This book contains special sections explaining how to design an effective study timetable, scoring strategy, and a solid revision plan. A detailed UGC NET exam trend analysis is included at the beginning of the book to set students up for success. 7. Exclusive Score Boosters: UGC NET exam is getting tougher each year. With questions now extending beyond the traditional syllabus, it's crucial to stay ahead of the curve. This book features special 'Score Booster' Boxes with QR Codes. Upon scanning these QR Codes you get access to free supplementary reading material in form of PDFs. These PDFs cover the latest and most challenging topics that aren't mentioned in the official UGC NET syllabus but have been asked in recent UGC NET Exams. 8. Quick Learning Shortcuts: Each chapter features 'Learning Shortcuts' containing quick revision tables, memory aids, shortcut tips, and tricks to help memorize essential facts quickly and effectively. 9. Visual Learning with Diagrams: Packed with diagrams, figures, and infographics, this book uses visual aids to make complex topics much easier to understand and remember. 10.Last-Minute Revision Highlights: At the end of each chapter, students will find a graphical mind map which acts like a perfect last-minute revision tool. This visual tool summarizes all the key information from the chapter, making it easier to revise important details quickly.