Sanjeev Kumar Nath pays tribute to the pioneer Assamese story-tellers Lakshminath Bezbaroa and his granddaughter Troilokyeswari Devi Baruani through his work The World of Assamese Folktales. While the former tried to establish the distinctiveness of Assamese language and culture through story-telling, the latter represented the living tradition of Assamese storytelling and enchanted her many young followers with her tales. This book is a result of the author?s fascination with Assamese folktales and he brings to fore two issues ? how women are represented in the world of Assamese folktales, and how the tales sometimes seem to question the givens of caste and class hierarchy in society. Each story has a message in itself. Bezbaroa?s tales, in fact, succeed in holding up a complete picture of Assamese rural life and culture.
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Sanjeev Kr Nath
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