What is the purpose of life? People spend their entire life doing what they are doing without realizing why they are doing it.
This question came as a gush of wind and took away everything like a tsunami.
School taught us specific subjects, like maths and science, with certain information about them.
But we weren't taught:
How to think
How to understand
How to apply and become knowledgeable in the true sense
How to cultivate and harness leadership qualities
How to solve problems by making the right decisions
How to be or at least think like an entrepreneur
Most importantly, how to find Artha, purpose and wealth in life!
These essential skills we need as humans, which differentiate us from 90 lakh different lives, were never discussed with us when we were students. Without these skills, success is literally out of reach, and we feel dumb. We weren't dumb; we didn’t know to work the right system.
Your school taught you to run the wrong race; it didn't teach you how to win the right race. And that's what this book is for. To help you define and win the race.
Packed with helpful advice, mostly gleaned from his observation and reflections from history, spirituality, and Arthasaastra, this book by Akshay Narvate is a must-read that will help you define success and achieve it.