Born Again, The Beginning is a supernatural saga based on true events. The story revolves around a girl attacked by demons one night and the consequences it has on her life. It is based on the phenomenon that is scientifically called Sleep Paralysis, but has other connotations spiritually.
The book elucidates on the significant difference between seeking psychiatric treatment and choosing to forgo it when someone is attacked physically by unseen forces of evil. It attempts to explore the realm of out-of-body experiences, daring to tell people they can control their actions in a new world altogether - one where spirits and demons exist.
The narrative progresses around the losses the flawed titular character Ruth, who is fondly called Bitty, faces in the death of her parents, spiritual confusion, heartbreak from a failed love story, introvertedness, and being a general misfit.
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Book Details
Publication Year
2023 January
Number of Pages
Author Info
I have been an ardent book lover since I was barely ten years old. Encouraged by my mother, I began writing a diary at the age of twelve, cataloguing my deepest, darkest thoughts and fears well into my teenage years. Naturally, I developed a love for writing and the English language as I grew, turning to books, magazines, and blog posts to add to my knowledge base.
Over the past decade or so, I have worked as a full-time content writer for various companies, some in my hometown Hyderabad, and others based in different cities. I also had the blessed fortune to experience the joys of teaching working as an IELTS, PTE, and OET trainer for around two years.
Born Again is a dream come true for me; one that I have been working on for more than five years. To see it come to fruition is to honour my parents, both of whom I lost in the last two years.