In the world that we live in today, our children need to be aware of certain very ‘unpleasant’ issues. Issues such as child safety, social awareness, environment conservation, coping with differences and so on. These are sensitive topics which both parents & teachers find difficult to talk to children about. English Cursive Handwriting Series are the perfect books to help broach various unpleasant topics with your child in the form of a story as he/she practiceswriting. The book uses ‘Marion Richardson Script Font’ which is similar to cursive font. The books included in the combo are: Book 1: Stranger Danger – Covers the topics of dangers from strangers & protecting oneself from them Book 2: Tell the Touch – Covers the topics of private parts, good touch & bad touch Book 3: Don’t Bear the Bully – Covers the topics of bullying and standing up to bullies Book 4: Clean Surroundings – Covers the topics of types of waste and environment cleanliness Each book weaves a story line by line in the form of a conversation through the protagonists Below every line, there is sufficient space to practice writing the line. After every few lines, there are multiple & innovative activities in the form of personal response questions, crosswords, puzzles, fill in the blanks etc. to give children pointers about private parts, good touch and bad touch. The book ends with a certificate for your child for having understood the topics in the book. In a nutshell, this Handwriting Book Series is essentially a handwriting practice book but also talks about various topics which are relevant to children in today’s world.