Traditional Gatka Comprehensive Training Guide
- Original Gatka Techniques Training Guide
- To create awareness of Sikhs' Original Heritage
- Traditional Gatka step by step
- Promote Gatka game as originated
- Must read Pages- xix-xxii, 3, 9, 12-14, 20-25, 39-77
About the Author: Col Inder Singh Thind belongs to Haveli Kalan, Ropar. His father, S. Prem Singh was an extremely simple and innovative person. He is veteran of WW-II and served Indian Army up-to 1953. He was an ace fighter of Gatka. He worked hard in his life and lived a saintly and content life style. Smt. Mahinder Kaur, mother was a simple, generous, loving and hard working lady. Their life remained pious and helping.
Inder Singh Thind learnt Gatka from his ancestors. Their family is extremely protective of fountain head Gatka heritage. As a family tradition, they pass down the original skill generation by generation. S. Karam Singh, uncle was an active person and known for Gatka, pre & post independence of India. Inder Singh did 10th from Khalsa High School Ropar and B.Sc (PCM) from Govt. College, Ropar. Joined defense services and retired as Colonel. He is a thorough paced multi branch weapon technology Er. Col Inder Singh Thind is humble & kind but bold and thorough practical person. He is qualified as M.Sc., MBA, PGD MC, DLW and AMIE. Sikh Martial Art remained passion since childhood. He undertook the responsibility to pen down the original Fountain Head ‘Sikh Martial Art’ since it is not known to masses. Should a sincere researcher wish to explore the forgotten heritage, this will give a lead to strike ‘dot on target’ (DOT). He is life time member of ‘Sharp Shooters, Sky Lancers and Sky Shields group.’