"When Siddharth, a lonely young man with a failed marriage gets a sudden phone-call from a mysterious person about his lost childhood lover, Hazel, and learns that she is battling for life, he is shaken to the core. He also learns that she had left certain letters for him fifteen years back that never reached him. It disturbs him so much that he rushes to the hospital in his old hometown. There he discovers an eclipsed past buried in time that is riddled with dangerous surprises, trauma, twists of fate, sacrifices that exemplify true love and the real reasons for the tragic end of their childhood love story. But will Hazel ever open her eyes to see him..."
Reading this book was a great experience and treat to my childhood which brought back many memories and rekindled a lot of memoirs which had got lost in the speed of life.
I truly appreciate the way it is written in so simple English which would for sure be a treat to any reader.
I look forward to more such books from you and wish you all the best in all your future endeavours of the writer and the publisher as well.