Quantification of choice has been a major area of research for neuro scientists for several decades. This is, in part, due to the discovery of the ‘Matching Law’ that stipulates that relative response rate on concurrently available alternatives ‘match’ the available relative reinforcement rates. This theoretical construct has been developed to describe response allocation in more complex situations. People often fail to design ‘rational’ decisions. Leadership agents are subject to multiple biases that affect the way they perceive events, act upon them and learn from experience. These behaviours cannot be ignored since they have disastrous consequences for organisations. When faced with complex decision, individuals engage in simplifying strategies. Adaptive decision making in real-world contexts relies on strategic simplifications of decision problems. Yet, neural mechanisms that shape these strategies and their implementation remain largely unknown.
Although we now know much about how brain encodes specific decision factors, much less is known about how brain selects among multiple strategies for managing computational demands of complex decision-making task.
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Col Prof Dr J Satpathy is a veteran Army Faculty having served for 29 Years and joined the academic world post - voluntary retirement. Author had his formal education under various Universities in India and holds double Masters, double MPhil, triple Ph. D and sextuplet DLitts in various fields of Economics, Management and Psychology. The author is currently a Professor of Management at Srinivas University, Mangalore (India), Visiting Professor at XIM University, Bhubaneswar (India), Visiting Professor at Management University of Africa, Nairobi, Resource Faculty at School of Economics and Business, University of Business and Technology, Georgia, and Academic Affiliate, Hindu University of America, Florida and Berlin School of Mind and Brain (Humboldt-Universitaet zu Berlin), Charité-Universitätsmedizin Berlin and Department of Neurology at Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences. Author has delivered about 225 invited Lectures in India and abroad. Author is a Limca Record Awardee in academics and concentrates singularly on Neuro - Decision dynamics.