Your Spiritual Journey—A guide to unfolding your divine self, by Manisha Melwani, presents timeless spiritual wisdom in a simple, modern style.
The book is based on Vedanta, an Indian wisdom tradition that originates from the cumulative teachings of great Himalayan masters.
There are two parts to the book. Part 1, Understanding the Basics presents fundamental concepts such as:
* What is spirituality, spiritual growth and the spiritual journey?
* How are spirituality and religion different?
* What is the guiding principle for living a spiritual life?
* Proof that we are spiritual beings.
* What prevents us from realising our innate divine nature?
In Part 2, The Process of Unfolding, the mindset, practices and lifestyle of a spiritual seeker are described. The topics include
* How to use your everyday actions to grow spiritually (Karma Yoga).
* How to develop the heart through the path of devotion (Bhakti Yoga).
* How to grow in your understanding of your divine self through the path of knowledge (Jnana Yoga).
* Meditation
* The daily habits of a spiritual seeker.