In the post Delhi High court verdict of 377, the six protagonists try to overcome their pains and agonies through their friendship and love. The story is mainly set up In Delhi. The novel opens with Saroj being sexually assaulted. All the friends - Karunesh, a government employee with Department of Science and Technology, Tuhin, a senior resident at AIIMS, Abhro, an associate lawyer of Delhi High Court, Mahendra, a sub-inspector of Delhi Police, and Ahana, an Assistant Professor at Delhi University - come for his rescue and slowly the travails of their lives of being gay unfolds. The pains of getting acceptance, the trauma of being abused, the emotional blackmailing to be heteronormative -bring them together. With their hope in mind,they chase it against the tides of life. On the process, Ahana commits suicide, Tuhin undergoes exorcism and psychiatric treatment to be cured, Mahendra marries Pallavi, Abhro feels dumped by his lover, Karunesh tries to balm his broken heart, and Saroj tries to give them a different perspective of life. At the end, friendship and being together win the entire battle of agonies, tears, and violence. The silver lining of hope, being loved and falling in love, strengthens their friendship.