FREE YOUR HANDS - All 4-6.”5 Smartphones can be placed on the desktop Phone stand firmly, compatible with all brands smartphones. So, you can liberate your hands to enjoy Facetime / video calling with family or friend, to take a record in video conference, to snack while watching Youtube video etc. ANGLE & HEIGHT ADJUSTABLE - The desktop phone holder stand can be adjusted from 4.3” to 6.3”,easily extendable in height. Also, it allows you to customise the angle of your device flexibly to find the most comfortable viewing angle. Reduce the frequency of looking down at the phone screen to avoid hurting your back and neck. FULLY FOLDABLE TO POCKET SIZE - Take it anywhere, this cell phone stand for desk is collapsible that can be fully folded into a pocket size. Storage little place, easy to carry it in your pocket or bag in travel or business trip. Convenient use, You can free hands to enjoy a Youtube Video or Facetime Calling anywhere at anytime with. the folding mobile phone stand holder. ANTI-SLIP & STRONG STABILITY - The silicone covered pad and the rubber hook assure your phone or tablet stay firmly in place and protect them from sliding and scratching. The cell phone stand is composed of an ultra-sturdy metal counterweight base and high-quality aluminum poles, which is strong enough to hold your mobile phone and tablet. The rubber feet under the base makes it more stable when you tap the devices. USER-FRIENDLY DESIGN - A humanized charging port is reserved, the phone stand holder allows you play your device while Ample Wings charging, and the depth of groove fits exactly with the phone and does not block the screen. You can also freely watch next episode or chat with friends while charging.